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3D Orbit Mesh


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Hi everybody!

I'm new here and very glad to all of you for your precious comments!

I was wondering whether there's a quick way to select only one orbit from a skull.

I want to print orbital fractures but it seems to be very tricky!

Please help me!




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Hi Rudy,


There is a "Crop Volume" plugin in 3D Slicer that allows you to designate an ROI in the Volume Rendering tool, and then crop the CT volume to a subvolume which you can then use for rendering to 3D. I describe how to use it in my blog post here: 


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Agree. Crop Volume in 3D Slicer is a quick way to include only what you need. Check out Terrie's tutorial, which is great. Once you have cropped your volume to include only the orbit. You can export the orbit volume to an NRRD file and automatically generate a 3D printable model using the embodi3D conversion service. Here is a tutorial that explains how. In about 10 minutes you should have a finalized model.


Hope this helps.

Dr. Mike

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