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OsiriX tutorials


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  • 5 months later...
  • 8 months later...

Hello there,


Wonderful tutorial Dr. Mike! Thanks for sharing all that stuff. 

Got a problem with osirix in generating the the growing region. In segmentation parameters the box is locked to 2D segmentation (current image only). How I can select 3d segmentation(all series) ?

Thanks for your work.

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  • 3 months later...
On 9/17/2015 at 0:08 PM, Dr. Mike said:

FYI, I recently completed a tutorial How to Create 3D Printable Models from Medical Scans in 30 Minutes Using Free Software: Osirix, Blender, and MeshMixer. If you are using a Mac platform, this will show you how to create a medical model from a scan from start to finish. Enjoy!

I'd like to provide an update to this post. Embodi3D has recently released a free online service that converts CT scans into 3D printable bone STL files. It is soooooo much easier and faster than learning and using open-source software. You upload a CT scan file, input a few simple parameters and click submit. In about 10 or 15 minutes your bone file is complete and ready to download. The output file is error-free and read to 3D print. 


You can access this free service by using the link below. If you are interested in making bone models from a CT scan, I highly recommend you check it out.



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  • 2 years later...

Hey Dr Mike,


I seem to be able to get bone models made with slicer and Radiant.  I would like to move into doing organs. I tried working on a brain in Horos following your steps for Osirix but the brain will not show up when I go from the grown ROI series to the STL.


Any advice?




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  • 2 weeks later...

I use 3D slicer and the segmentation module. It takes a little time to get familiar with the tools, but they can be pretty powerful.


I just did this kidney yesterday, including the kidney tissue, renal collecting system, artery and vein. 


FYI, we are building the ability to automatically segment organs into democratiz3D. Right now it only supports creation of bone models, but in the future auto segmentation of organs will be a feature. 


Hope this helps,


Dr. Mike



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