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  • Welcome to embodi3D Downloads! This is the largest and fastest growing library of 3D printable anatomic models generated from real medical scans on the Internet. A unique scientific resource, most of the material is free. Registered members can download, upload, and sell models. To convert your own medical scans to a 3D model, take a look at democratiz3D, our free and automated conversion service.


    Alert (6/17/22) - The democratiz3D scan-to-model conversion app is down due to a technical issue. We are working on a solution. 

Whole body

Whole body models

257 files

  1. Free

    Pelvis - stl file processed

    Pelvis - stl file processed

    Have embodi3D 3D print this model for you. This file was created with democratiz3D. Automatically create 3D printable models from CT scans.
    whole, .stl, 3d, model, printable, printing, medical, medicine, bone, head, skull, frontal, cervical, spine, atlas, axis, dorsal, lumbar, intervertebral, disc, body, transverse, spinous, process, pelvis, hip, sacroiliac, joint, lower, limb, upper, sternum, ribs, chest, thorax, orbit, nasal, maxilla, mandible, angle, ramus,


       (0 reviews)



  2. Free


    whole body scan adult chihuahua

    1 download

       (0 reviews)



  3. Free

    modelo columna - stl file processed

    modelo columna - stl file processed

    Have embodi3D 3D print this model for you. This file was created with democratiz3D. Automatically create 3D printable models from CT scans.
    head, skull, .stl, 3d, model, printable, printing, medical, medicine, orbit, medical, medicine, orbit, nasal, maxilla, upper, lower, neck, cervical, spine, atlas, axis, bone, intervertebral, disc, chest, ribs, joint, lumbar, dorsal, mediastinum, obturator, foramen, ischium, pubis, abdomen, liver, spleen, iliac, artery,

    1 download

       (0 reviews)



  4. Free

    x - stl file processed

    x - stl file processed

    Have embodi3D 3D print this model for you. This file was created with democratiz3D. Automatically create 3D printable models from CT scans.
    whole, body, .stl, 3d, model, printable, printing, medical, medicine, lower, limb, upper, diaphysis, condyle, pelvis, ischium, ilium, lumbar, dprsal, intervertebral, disc, head, skull, foramen, foramina, petrous, ridge, orbit, nasal, mandible, maxilla, ribs, sternum, joint, scapula, clavicle, coronoid, process, shoulder, 


       (0 reviews)



  5. Free

    SpineTest2 - stl file processed

    SpineTest2 - stl file processed

    Have embodi3D 3D print this model for you. This file was created with democratiz3D. Automatically create 3D printable models from CT scans.
    spine, dorsal, lumbar, bone, intervertebral, disc, .stl, 3d, model, printable, printing, medical, medicine, pelvis, hip, femur, lower, limb, diaphysis, obturator, cervical, 


       (0 reviews)



  6. Free

    C_Archive_test_pelvis_1 - stl file processed

    C_Archive_test_pelvis_1 - stl file processed

    Have embodi3D 3D print this model for you. This file was created with democratiz3D. Automatically create 3D printable models from CT scans.
    sternum, .stl, 3d, model, printable, printing, medical, medicine, ribs, thorax, chest, dorsal, spine, bone, intervertebral, disc, pelvis, ilisc, ischium, pubis, sacrum, foramina, foramen, sacroiliac, joint, hip, lower, limb, neck, diaphysis, femur, scapula, clavicle, colon, ascendent, transverse,


       (0 reviews)



  7. Free

    3D Bone Model Test 1 - stl file processed

    3D Bone Model Test 1 - stl file processed

    Have embodi3D 3D print this model for you. This file was created with democratiz3D. Automatically create 3D printable models from CT scans.


       (0 reviews)



  8. Free

    Skull to thigh - stl file processed

    Skull to thigh - stl file processed

    Have embodi3D 3D print this model for you. This file was created with democratiz3D. Automatically create 3D printable models from CT scans.
    .stl, 3d, model, printable, printing, medical, medicine, whole, body, skull, frontal, temporal, parietal, occipital, cervical, spine, dorsal, lumbar, intervertebral, disc, iliac, ischium, head, neck, diaphysis, bone, humerus, ribs, chest, obturator, pubis, ischium, sacroiliac, joint, pelvis,


       (0 reviews)



  9. Free

    mitxuplic1 - stl file processed

    mitxuplic1 - stl file processed

    Have embodi3D 3D print this model for you. This file was created with democratiz3D. Automatically create 3D printable models from CT scans.
    whole, bone, head, skull, .stl, 3d, model, printable, printing, medical, medicine, frontal, foramina, foramen, petrous, ridge, cervical, spine, atlas, axis, intervertebral, disc, thorax, chest, dorsal, ribs, lumbar, sacroiliac, joint, pubis, ischium, obturator, lower, limb, orbit, nasal, scapula, humerus, epiphysis, trochanter, neck, diaphysis, femur, 


       (0 reviews)



  10. Free

    My tutorial - stl file processed

    My tutorial - stl file processed

    Have embodi3D 3D print this model for you. This file was created with democratiz3D. Automatically create 3D printable models from CT scans. whole, bone, head, skull, .stl, 3d, model, printable, printing, medical, medicine, frontal, foramina, foramen, petrous, ridge, cervical, spine, atlas, axis, intervertebral, disc, thorax, chest, dorsal, ribs, lumbar, sacroiliac, joint, pubis, ischium, obturator, lower, limb, orbit, nasal, scapula, humerus, epiphysis, trochanter, neck, diaphysis, femur, 


       (0 reviews)



  11. Free

    spine - stl file processed

    spine - stl file processed

    Have embodi3D 3D print this model for you. This file was created with democratiz3D. Automatically create 3D printable models from CT scans.
    head, neck, cervical, spine, .stl, 3d, model, printable, printing, medical, medicine, iliac, pelvis, ischium, pubis, sacroiliac, joint, foramina, foramen, lower, limb, hip, ribs, thorax, chest, sternum, mastoid, process, frontal, temporal


       (0 reviews)



  12. Free

    Teste Tutorial - stl file processed

    Teste Tutorial - stl file processed

    Have embodi3D 3D print this model for you. This file was created with democratiz3D. Automatically create 3D printable models from CT scans.
    scan, .stl, 3d, model, printable, printing, medical, medicine, whole, body, skull, frontal, temporal, parietal, occipital, mastoid, process, base, foramina, foramen, atlas, axis, cervical, intervertebral, disc, bone, ribs, chest, sternum, coracoid, upper, limb, humerus, pelvis, iliac, obturator, ischium, pubis, sacrum, coccyx, lumbar, spine, transverse, spinous, orbit, nasal, maxillofacial, mandible, angle, ramus, coronoid, temporomandibular, joint,


       (0 reviews)



  13. Free

    Nielq - stl file processed

    Nielq - stl file processed

    Have embodi3D 3D print this model for you. This file was created with democratiz3D. Automatically create 3D printable models from CT scans.
    whole, body, bone, intervertebral, disc, foramen, obturator, pelvis, hip, ischium, pubis, sacrum, foramina, coccyx, head, neck, petrous, ridge, base, cervical, spine, atlas, axis, clivus, ribs, chest, thorax, humerus, upper, limb, epiphysis, diaphysis, sacroiliac, joint, transverse, spinous, process, lumbar, dorsal

    1 download

       (0 reviews)



  14. Free

    Test 1 Leg Bones - stl file processed

    Test 1 Leg Bones - stl file processed

    Have embodi3D 3D print this model for you. This file was created with democratiz3D. Automatically create 3D printable models from CT scans.


       (0 reviews)



  15. Free

    Vertebra - stl file processed

    Vertebra - stl file processed

    Have embodi3D 3D print this model for you. This file was created with democratiz3D. Automatically create 3D printable models from CT scans.
    head, neck, cervical, spine, atlas, axis, base, scapula, clavicle, ribs, chest, sternum, dorsal, body, intervertebral, disc, iliac, bone, petrous, ridge, foramine, foramen, clivus, temporal, parietal, occipital,


       (0 reviews)



  16. Free

    Whole body2 - stl file processed

    Whole body2 - stl file processed

    Have embodi3D 3D print this model for you. This file was created with democratiz3D. Automatically create 3D printable models from CT scans.
    whole, body, .stl, 3d, model, printable, frontal, temporal, parietal, cervical, occipital, dorsal, lumbar, spine, humerus, femur, lower, limb, condyle, bone,


       (0 reviews)



  17. Free

    Whole Body Scan - stl file processed

    Whole Body Scan - stl file processed

    Have embodi3D 3D print this model for you. This file was created with democratiz3D. Automatically create 3D printable models from CT scans.
    whole, body, .stl, 3d, model, printable, frontal, temporal, parietal, cervical, occipital, dorsal, lumbar, spine, humerus, femur, lower, limb,


       (0 reviews)



  18. Free

    CT Whole SPine - stl file processed

    CT Whole SPine - stl file processed

    Have embodi3D 3D print this model for you. This file was created with democratiz3D. Automatically create 3D printable models from CT scans.
    whole, body, .stl, 3d, model, printable, printing, medical, medicine, humerus, scapula, bone, cervical, spine, atlas, axis, cervical, ribs, thorax, chest, dorsal, lumbar, pelvis, ischium, iliac, hip, lower, limb, head, femur, neck, trochanter, sacrum, foramine, coccyx,


       (0 reviews)



  19. Free

    york kregoslup - stl file processed

    york kregoslup - stl file processed

    Have embodi3D 3D print this model for you. This file was created with democratiz3D. Automatically create 3D printable models from CT scans.


       (0 reviews)



  20. Free

    Test - stl file processed

    Test - stl file processed

    Have embodi3D 3D print this model for you. This file was created with democratiz3D. Automatically create 3D printable models from CT scans.
    head, .stl, skull, 3d, model, printable, printing, medical, medicine, petrous, ridge, mastoid, foramina, foramen, occipital, frontal, temporal, parietal, orbit, nasal, angle, ramus, sternum, ribs, dorsal, lumbar, spine, body, intervertebral, disc, cervical, sacroiliac, disc, cervical, sacroiliac, joint, whole, scapula, clavicle, neck, diaphysis, lower, hip, bone,


       (0 reviews)



  21. Free

    PICA - stl file processed

    PICA - stl file processed

    Have embodi3D 3D print this model for you. This file was created with democratiz3D. Automatically create 3D printable models from CT scans.
    whole, body, .stl, 3d, model, printable, printing, medical, medicine, frontal, temporal, parietal, occipital, nasal, septum, zygomatic, arch, cervical, spine, dorsal, lumbar, transverse, spinous, process, sacrum, femur, hip, knee, pelvis, iliac, condyle, bone,


       (0 reviews)



  22. Free

    PICA - stl file processed

    PICA - stl file processed

    Have embodi3D 3D print this model for you. This file was created with democratiz3D. Automatically create 3D printable models from CT scans.
    whole, body, .stl, 3d, model, printable, printing, medical, medicine, frontal, temporal, parietal, occipital, nasal, septum, zygomatic, arch, cervical, spine, dorsal, lumbar, transverse, spinous, process, sacrum, femur, hip, knee, pelvis, iliac, condyle, bone,


       (0 reviews)



  23. Free

    columna - stl file processed

    columna - stl file processed

    Have embodi3D 3D print this model for you. This file was created with democratiz3D. Automatically create 3D printable models from CT scans.
    whole, body, .stl, 3d, model, printable, printing, medical, medicine, frontal, temporal, parietal, occipital, nasal, septum, zygomatic, arch, cervical, spine, dorsal, lumbar, transverse, spinous, process, sacrum, femur, hip,, pelvis, iliac, condyle, bone, scapula, humerus, ribs, chest,

    1 download

       (0 reviews)



  24. Free

    LiverSegment2DMalandris - stl file processed

    LiverSegment2DMalandris - stl file processed

    Have embodi3D 3D print this model for you. This file was created with democratiz3D. Automatically create 3D printable models from CT scans.
    whole, .stl, 3d, model, printable, dorsal, spine, transverse, spinous, process, bone, intervertebral, disc, pelvis, hip, neck, diaphysis, maxillofacial, maxilla, orbit, nasal, cervical, atlas, axis, 


       (0 reviews)



  25. Free

    on - stl file processed

    on - stl file processed

    Have embodi3D 3D print this model for you. This file was created with democratiz3D. Automatically create 3D printable models from CT scans.
    skull, .stl, 3d, model, printable, bone, frontal, temporal, parietal, thorax, chest, sternum, pelvis, iliac, common, humerus, radius, upper, limb, elbow,


       (0 reviews)



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