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Embodi3d´s Top 10 downloaded of 2020!

Angel Sosa


As 2020 comes to an end, we reflect how the world changed, and it changed us. However, in the middle of this difficult times many found 3d printing a helpful tool to fight the pandemic. We'd like to share with you the most downloaded 3d medical printing models of 2020, most of them related to the pandemic.


1.N95 mask holder for UV sterilization box (2 mask holder) 1.0.0

This is a 3D printable holder for N95 masks. You can also watch the DIY UV sterilization video.




2. Anatomical heart box 1.0.0

Who said anatomically correct hearts could not be romantic? Our second 3D model of the list is an anatomical heart box that was originally molded as an engagement ring box and a really nice gift.


3. N95 mask holder for UV sterilization box (set of 6 two mask holders) 1.0.0

Is the 2 mask holder not enough?  Here you can find a set of 6 mask holders and remember to take a look at the video.



4. N95 mask holder for UV sterilization box (1 mask holder) 1.0.0

Wait, is it 6 mask holders too much?  There is a 3d printing model for every need.


5. Covid19 infected lung 1.0.0

In order to fight covid we need to understand it. 3d models could help us to know more how Covid affects our lungs.



6. Lungmax.stl 1.0.0

It is important to know the normal lung (respiratory) anatomy as well. And this 3d model is very useful.


7. 3dslicer segmentation partial head 1.0.0

This example shows a segmentation of partial head.  We can observe the skull base foramina


8. Body 1.0.0

This example without contrast we can observe all the thoracic and abdominal structures


9. 9F bones liver kidney spleen artery and vein 1.0.0

This is a great model of the skeleton, liver, kidneys and main vessels.


10. Spine_2 1.0.0

Here we can observe a severe scoliosis as the spinal curve is above 40 degrees



About author

  • angel.png.a0671e002baf07dbed6a39d23994d18c.png

    Angel Sosa

    A Radiologist who´s passionate about AI and imaging in any form. From x rays, ultrasound to CT, MR and 3d printing. Likes photography, music, and  video games.


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