About This File
Source Head and Neck CT scan in NRRD file format for the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) Annual Meeting 2017 course on Open-Source and Freeware Medical 3D Printing, RCA12 and RCA21, November 26 and 27, 2017,
head, neck, axial, stl, dicom, 3dmodel, print, brain, lobules, Frontal sinus, Frontal bone, Falx cerebri, Orbital gyri, Straight gyrus, Anterior cerebral artery, Anterior communicating artery, Internal carotid artery, Superior temporal gyrus, Middle temporal gyrus, Middle cerebral artery, Posterior communicating artery, Optic chiasm, Amygdaloid body, Pituitary stalk, Lateral ventricle (temporal horn), Dorsum sellae, Hippocampus, Pentagon of basal cisterns, Inferior temporal gyrus, Posterior cerebral artery, Parahippocampal gyrus, Tentorium cerebelli, Basilar artery and basal sulcus, Pons, Sigmoid sinus, Cerebellar peduncle (middle), Fourth ventricle, Dentate nucleus, vermis of cerebellum (superior part), Temporal bone, Confluence of the sinuses, Cerebellar hemisphere, Transverse sinus, Occipital bone, 3D, model, printable, ct, scan with contrast, axial, dicom