About This File
This is a fusiform abdominal aortic aneurysm extracted from a medical CT scan. It is a perfect model for medical device testing, hydrodynamic testing, finite element analysis (FEA). The aneurysm is maximally 5.58 cm is diameter. This model represents the blood pool (lumen) of the aneurysm, and includes the following structures:
- abdominal aorta
- abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA)
- superior mesenteric artery (SMA)
- right and left renal arteries
- right and left common iliac arteries
- right and left internal and external iliac arteries
- right and left common femoral arteries
- right and left superficial femoral arteries (proximal)
- right and left profunda femoris arteries (proximal)
Vascular Parameters:
Aneurysm dimensions:
Length: 6.96 cm
Anterior Posterior: 4.9 cm
Transverse (left-right): 5.58cm
Infrarenal aorta:
Transverse: 1.92 cm
Anterior Posterior: 1.75 cm
Infrarenal landing area (distance from renal arteries to aneurysm): 3.85 cm
Right Common Iliac Artery (CIA): 1.35 cm
Left Common Iliac Artery (CIA): 1.11 cm
3D printing parameters:
Vertices: 113,948
Faces: 227,892
Object is manifold