About This File
3 D model of a surgical treated ulna fracture with secondary elbow sinostosis development
Proximal third of the humerus, Medial third of the humerus, Distal third of the humerus, Coracoid process, Glenoid fossa, Clavicle, Lesser tubercle of the humerus, Acromioclavicular joint, Humeral head, Acromion, Cortex, Humeral shaft, Coronoid fossa, Radial head, Olecranon fossa, Radius, Trochlea, Capitellum, Ulna, Olecranon, Coronoid process, Triceps brachii muscle, Biceps brachii muscle, Brachialis muscle, Supinator muscle, ct, scan, without, contrast, .stl, printable, 3d, model, elbow, fracture, sinostosis,