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3D Print your Medical Scan - Make Magazine




This excellent article, written in layman's terms, recently appeared in Make Magazine:

"3D printing is all around us, opening possibilities for us to do in our garages what traditionally could only be done by large organizations. It’s now possible to 3D-print a model of your own bones, innards, and other anatomical structures starting from a CT scan 3D image, and using only open source software tools. We show you how to do it using a couple of common desktop 3D printers ..."


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Thanks for the great post health_physics. I will share this via social media. Any readers who are creating their own 3D printed anatomic models are invited to share them with the Embodi3D community on this website. Help to get others interested and engaged in medical 3D printing!

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Excellent!  I've been wanting to try this since I had my head scanned a few years ago.  How great would it be when someone asks whose skull is on the shelf and I could answer, "mine". 


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