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3D Medical Printing To Create First 3D Printed Organ To Be Transplanted In 2015

Paige Anne Carter


blog-0319770001416338235.jpgResearchers from Russian laboratory called 3D Bioprinting Solutions announced that the first successful product of 3D bioprinting will be transplanted and results will be published on May 2015. The first 3D bioprinted organ will be the thyroid gland. The head of the research laboratory, Vladimir Mironov, noted that the thyroid gland was chosen as the first product in 3D medical printing because of the simplicity of the organ. The bioprinted thyroid was created by a 3D printer that shoots off stem cells. The stem cells are precisely arranged on a hydrogel and then soaked in bioreactor to further develop into the thyroid organ.

The testing of the first bioprinted thyroid will be done on mice and Mironov gave details on how the testing will go about. The biological thyroid of the mice will be shut off and this will lead to the level of thyroid hormones to drop. The bioprinted thyroid will then be transplanted and the level of the hormones will then be monitored if it will get back to normal.

The scientists are very positive about the outcome of the transplantation. If the transplantation will be successful, the scientists see that thyroid 3D bioprinted organ will go down in the annals of medical history as the very first bioprinted organ to be successfully transplanted. The Russian professor also wants to develop other organs through 3D medical printing. Once the 3D bioprinted thyroid will be successful, his team also aspires to make a functional kidney using 3D printing technology.


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