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Chiropractor in NYC 3D Prints Custom Soles to Help Patients



Most people do not realize that footwear that is unbalanced or does not properly support their feet not only causes foot pain,but it can start a chain reaction that causes leg and back pain as well. Prior to using 3D printed insoles, those in need would either have to deal with mass produced insoles that would not be custom molded to their feet or use custom made insoles that are very expensive.



The SOLS system is quick, affordable and it is incredibly accurate. It is able to create an insole that will be molded to each person’s foot and designed to support whatever form of training or movement they plan on doing. This is the best way to protect the body from injury and reduce pain or stiffness from previous injuries. If you would like one of these custom soles yourself, you do not even have to visit Dr. Shoshany, SOLS systems has created a smart phone app that allows you to scan your foot yourself!

Main Image Credit: www.3dprintingindustry.com


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