About This File
This is CT of a dog with bilateral severe forelimb angular limb deformities.
By getting a 3d model printed I will be able to practice the corrective surgery required even to pre-moulding the orthopaedic plate used to secure it, so that the actual surgery will be quicker and I will know that I am using the correct angles and placement for the osteotomies.
Resolving these deformities in this young dog has the potential for saving this dog years of pain and disability.
Really only need from just above the elbows to just below the carpii included in the 3D model file. Its my first attempt to do this.
dog, canine, forelimb, angular, deformity, radius, valgus, ct, without, contrast, axial, dicom, head, skull, trachea, neck, scapula, foreleg, metacarpal, muscles