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  • Welcome to embodi3D Downloads! This is the largest and fastest growing library of 3D printable anatomic models generated from real medical scans on the Internet. A unique scientific resource, most of the material is free. Registered members can download, upload, and sell models. To convert your own medical scans to a 3D model, take a look at democratiz3D, our free and automated conversion service.


    Alert (6/17/22) - The democratiz3D scan-to-model conversion app is down due to a technical issue. We are working on a solution. 

Sub Category  

3D printable files of muscles of the human body

Head and neck muscles
Muscles of the thigh, leg, and foot
Muscles of the shoulder, arm, forearm, and hand
Muscles of the thorax and ribs
Muscles of the abdomen and pelvis
Muscles of whole body
Muscular tumors and sarcomas

No files in this category yet.

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