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Left pelvic(posterior aspect) leiomyosarcoma, converted from a CT scan DICOM dataset of a 68-year old male 1.0.0

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About This File

This is a 3D printable medical file converted from a CT scan DICOM dataset of a 68-year old male presented by a swelling at the posterior aspect of the left pelvic region(notice the contour bulge at the posterior aspect of the left side). Histopathological examination revealed the swelling to be leiomyosarcoma of intermediate grade of malignancy. His work up included MRI and PET scan 3 and 24 days after the pathological examination respectively. His treatment plan was a combined radiotherapy/surgical resection of the tumor. 96 days later, the patient developed lung metastasis. He died after 607 days.(STS-018)

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