About This File
pelvis.age.62.male - stl file processed
This file was created with democratiz3D. Automatically create 3D printable models from CT scans. Learn more.
Transverse process, Iliac wing, Spinous process, L5, Superior articular process, Inferior articular process of L5, Sacroiliac joint, Sacral ala, Sacral foramina
Posterior superior iliac spine, Median sacral crest, Posterior inferior iliac spine, Greater sciatic notch, Lateral sacral crest, Cornu of the sacrum, Sacral hiatus
Cornu of the coccyx, Spine of the ischium, Hip, Coccyx, Femoral head, Superior pubic ramus, 3D, model, stl, printable, bone, pelvis, fracture