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3D Printing Will Soon Help People With Jigger Deformities




In Kenya there is a small flea known as the Jigger or Chigoe flea. This flea does not jump very well but it does bite and this can cause serious problems for people living in Kenya. 2.5 million people, 1.5 million of which are children suffer from jigger infections which can become bad enough to cause secondary infections such as tetanus. Jigger infections can lead to severe deformations and even amputations, most of which occur in the feet.

That is where Roy Ombatti comes in. This 23 year old innovator has made a name for himself as a gifted student that is working hard to change the world in his own way. To that end he created a program geared toward helping those who suffered deformities of the foot following Jigger infections. Those who do have these deformities find it hard to find footwear and therefore walk barefoot. This leaves them open to new infections or other injury. Many times their deformity makes it hard for them to walk. Roy Ombatti’s program creates custom shoes for these individuals using a 3D printer.


Image Credit: http://blog.youmagine.com

This program is portable and would travel to impoverished areas and areas were Jigger infections are common. In Kenya, 50,000 children dropped out of school over a 20 month period due to Jigger infections. So the 3D printing program would allow these children to return to school by giving them shoes that allow them to walk comfortably again. But that is just the beginning of these program. The 3D printers are designed to use recycled bottles as their filament. This means that not only are these shoes being made cheaply but they are recycling items that are often thrown away in Kenya and around the world. Even better is that the shoes could be made for anyone in need, as custom made shoes are hard to find in Kenya, especially for those in impoverished areas.

Main Image Credit: http://blog.youmagine.com


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