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Today's top trending articles about 3d printing in medicine

Angel Sosa


In 2019, 1482 articles about 3D printing were published, there have been important advances in all areas of medicine, mainly in surgery where implants and tissue reconstruction are used. For an optimal search we recommend using https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/. We share with you the articles that are among the 10 most read today. These collections reflect the most important 3d printing research topics of current scientific interest and are designed for experienced investigators and educators alike. 


1. The Role of 3D Printing in Medical Applications: A State of the Art.

Aimar A, et al. J Healthc Eng 2019 - Review. PMID 31019667 Free PMC article.



2. Medical 3D Printing. Is This Just The Beginning?

El Gamel A. Heart Lung Circ 2019. PMID 31495503



3. 3D Printing of Pharmaceutical and Medical Applications: a New Era.

Douroumis D. Pharm Res 2019. PMID 30684014



4. Perspectives of 3D printing technology in orthopaedic surgery.

Zamborsky R, et al. Bratisl Lek Listy 2019. PMID 31602984



5. [Research Progress of 3D Printing Technology in Medical Field].

Zou Q, et al. Zhongguo Yi Liao Qi Xie Za Zhi 2019 - Review. PMID 31460721 Chinese.



6. Implementations of 3D printing in ophthalmology.

Sommer AC and Blumenthal EZ. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2019 - Review. PMID 30993457



7. 3D printing for heart valve disease: a systematic review.

Tuncay V and van Ooijen PMA. Eur Radiol Exp 2019 - Review. PMID 30771098 Free PMC article.



8. 3D printing and amputation: a scoping review.

Ribeiro D, et al. Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol 2019. PMID 31418306



9. Medical 3D Printing Cost-Savings in Orthopedic and Maxillofacial Surgery: Cost Analysis of Operating Room Time Saved with 3D Printed Anatomic Models and Surgical Guides.

Ballard DH, et al. Acad Radiol 2019. PMID 31542197



10. 3D and 4D Printing of Polymers for Tissue Engineering Applications.

Tamay DG, et al. Front Bioeng Biotechnol 2019 - Review. PMID 31338366 Free PMC article.


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