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3D Printed Prosthetics for Derby




Derby is a happy, energetic dog that just wants to spend days running around and playing. For a typical dog that is not a problem, but Derby has two very deformed front legs. His original owners surrounded him to an animal shelter because they did not know how to care for him. It was through Peace and Paws Dog Rescue that Derby’s story got a happy ending. Tam Anderson saw Derby and knew that she had to foster him. Initially she tried buying the energetic dog a cart to help him get around but it did not move well enough for the pup.

So she and her colleagues had access to 3D printers and the knowledge to make custom prosthetics for Derby. They took several scans of Derby’s elbows and with the help of animal orthotist Derrick Campana they created a design that was a perfect fit. These prosthetics may not look like typical dog paws but that is because they are designed to suit Derby’s needs. The curves provide Derby with traction while also preventing him from digging or getting caught in the dirt as he runs. Derby has taken to the new front paws with ease. From the moment they were attached he was able to run and jump like never before.



Derby has since been adopted and found his forever home. His new family continues to keep up with his prosthetics as adjustments have been needed to ensure lasting comfort. But for now the dedication of just a few people and some 3D printing creativity has created a whole new life for Derby and it may do so for many more dogs in the future.

main image credit: www.buzzfeed.com


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