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Trouble with DCM files


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I'm having trouble with these particular DCM files. They are from an Ultrasound. 


They appear different from other DCM file arrangements. 1 file is much much larger than the rest.


I can only open the first 5 in Gimp and view them. The rest I recieve and error :

"'C:\stuff\IM-0003-0005-0001.dcm' has a bpp of 0 which GIMP cannot handle."






In a CT scan I downloaded off of a free resource website, the images all had the exact same file size. I was able to load them into 3DSlicer and view the bone and tissue structure easily. The program behaved exactly as needed.


I struggled trying to load the directory of the images as described on other websites for this particular folder........ but discovered I could drag and drop the one large file into 3DSlicer.


When I set the module to Volume Rendering, This is what I get:






The 3D model is imposing itself as a long stacked image as viewed in the bottom images. Is there something I am doing wrong here?

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Hi Nick,

i haven't been using 3D slicer very long and have never loaded a U/S file but from a medical perspective- the ultrasound tech will take still images and videos throughout their exams. While recording a video you can also take additional still images without interrupting the video file. The tech then does measurements, annotations, etc the tech will send the entire exam to PACS so you could be seeing all of those files. Hope that Helps.

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